Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The End of the Beginning (pic heavy)

And so another semester comes to an end. I think I've been in the educational system way too long... it's almost a sickening dejavu when I say that now.

Oodles of doodles in my journal and notes...

I've learned this semester that Graphic Design is indeed very different from Multimedia. Proven by the fact that I've had 0 computer hours during class hours this year. I miss Flash. But I also get panic attacks when someone asks me to do something concerning multimedia. Ask for something simple guys, much love.

Believe it or not, it's work not play...

However, I'm not the only one feeling a difference. The straight Graphic Design students who came in, complained at the rationales that needed to be done. For me, who's always done them since LKW year one, I find it normal. Looks like they've had it easy by just rocking up for presentation and mouthing off what their work suppose to mean. There's a lot more locals in this course too. Hence the exposure to more coarse language. Eccentric people, they are. Like them, I still do.

30 seconds before my camera gave up...

I've also learned not to go to Albert Park on a day the weather report say "Warm". "Warm" can range very well from "Slight Heat" to "Skin Cancer in 20 Days". Or at least if I had to go there (which I had to), to bring a hat. One that covers everything. Or else you'd end up like this idiot:


Also that I should probably go to a real barber some time soon. For the past few years I've been able to cut my own hair in the luxury of my bathroom. Once here though.... I need more space and mirrors to cut around my head. Haha.

At first it didn't seem all that bad...

A few days after the hair-cut...

It actually grew on me since it made my head seem less long and flat. But it's got a fatal flaw. It grows out pretty bad....


Now it just makes my head look MOAR long and flat. Where did the curls gooo. (My hairs naturally straight and wavy at odd intervals... it has a mind of it's own I tell you!). It looks so messy.... Like the condition of my room during the last days before submissions...

You could almost make out a paper ecosystem here....

This is so odd since it was all just digital work last year. There was never as much paper in my course as this. I think the paper bred... or the box board bred...

Funny i got more papercuts from boxboards then the actual papers....

There was only so much paper on my floor...

there's actually a dustbin under that pile of crumpled paper at the corner

But it was enjoyable cause the outcome was fantastic. Besides the 30 pages of design I stuffed in my folder (which snaps out as soon as u get 5 pages from the end), I was most happy with my bookbinding course outcome.

My "book"

I'm happy bragging, please don't mind me.

All in all it's been pretty good. I've had loads of time to finish everything... I just didn't. Use it all I mean :P

The leaf strewn lawn I was so tempted to jump around in, but was in a rush to the archival shop...

I know I promised to take pictures the next time I went to the archival and paper shops, but I was really, really in a rush and the only reason why I did go all the way there again was because it was the only place that sold that specific book-binding linen. To Jie Amy, I have half the tools you might need to rebind a book if you're interested.

These were a lot bigger then they look here....

The price of precaution certainly didn't come light as I brought everything (my laptop and what must be 4-5 kilos of submissions) to campus on the day of submission at 9a.m. while I finished up printing (which couldn't be done the day before because of the public holiday) and the rest of the folio. I didn't count on finishing early, then getting hungry, THEN forgetting my money and ending up having to lug all the heavy stuff back. Yeah I walked... and it rained. I was pretty puffed by the time I got back I ended up kicking one of my works... which thankfully was protected by the box. Submission was at 5:30, so at 4 when the weather broke, I took my stuff and went back to uni.

At 5:15 I went to the submission hall (room).

Our ca-assignment parking places...

Where the lecturers were still setting up the dumping areas. By 6p.m. ...

Clunky boxes make for interesting break in monotony?

I was slightly horrified that other students had come with their shop-bought special boxes to put their stuff in, and I had... 2 clunky boxes... and a folio that fell apart.... At least I know where I'd loose points first.

4 days of 4 hours sleep average is not too bad. Not as bad as last year. I'm happy anyway. I stuck around for a bit and headed back to rest my weary... everything. It was really funny when I slept talking to friends over MSN.

And now I leave you with some images of things only Malaysians would do...

Specifically, one group of Malaysians...

Oh, and a very Happy Belated birthday to Justin, Satya and my uncle (born on the same day), and my housemate - now Walsh mate Olivia who celebrates it today!


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