Sunday, October 19, 2008



First and foremost I'd like to extend an apology to my older brother, and to my dad. Why?

For thisDon't see the problem?

That's the second pair of headphones I've snapped within a year.... And I've only had this for a month. And it had belonged to my brother. Sorry, gor...

Realizing that as my only means of live conversation over MSN (it's the only thing I have here with a mike) which my dad favours, I had to get it fixed somehow... instead of resorting to this>>>

Die lah...

So went hunting for some Super Glue. I just grabbed the smallest one I could find because I'm probably not going to use it much and lets face it, how many of you open a tube of Super Glue just to leave it there after some use and go back to it a few weeks later finding that it dried up from some reason or some other.
When I got back and wanted to use it I realized something...
Lol Malaysian product. Which could mean that it's not that good. Honestly, when I applied it to the headphones, it came out really liquidy unlike the blobs that usually come out of the old one's in Malaysia. I was thinking; 'Crap, I just wasted RM6 on 3grams of water'
Turns out it worked rather well. It even ate through some of the plastic!
Now it's all fixed :D Thankfully there were no wires in the broken end, unlike my last, so sound is still ok.
If you want to know, the main reason why the headphones I use snap is because I bring them to college along with my books, tablet, laptop, laptop cooler, lunch, wires and miscellaneous stuff in this rather stiff bag

Good news is I found a pair of earphones on the road on my way back. Cleaned it and plugged it in and it works good.
So the headphones don't have to get stuffed in the bag anymore, and these wont break :D

On other things, I've 12 days to submissions. Aargh Arrrr...



Economic Analyst said...
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RaY said...

daphne, the glu is enough to hold the headphones?
don't have to like tape it to further reinforce the thing?
i hav a broken one myself hahah

DaphneL said...

@ray : It seems to hold pretty well :) The headphones I use have a pretty light frame though, almost as light as the MAS headphones...